

Intro to MCECS Computing

Intro to MCECS Computing If you are an Engineering or Computer Science student at PSU, you will need to get an MCECS account before you can use many specialized computing resources for your coursework. MCECS, which stands for the Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science, has its own information technology organization to [...]

2022-03-30T12:57:38-08:00June 16th, 2020|

Postgres and MySQL web interfaces going behind the firewall

[For database/web developers in MCECS] While direct client access to CAT managed Postgres and MySQL database services are firewalled, the web interfaces for manipulating those databases, phpPgAdmin and phpMyAdmin, have been directly accessible without the need for a VPN. On Wednesday, June 17th, we will be locking down access to these web interfaces as well. [...]

2020-06-09T16:46:58-08:00June 9th, 2020|

SPSS will be removed from MCECS computers – July 1, 2020

The SPSS statistical software package, installed on many MCECS computer lab systems and on some managed desktops in offices, will no longer be available on CAT managed systems in MCECS after July 1, 2020. The shared cost of the centrally purchased site license that enabled its use is being pushed out to the schools/departments. With [...]

2020-06-02T12:55:20-08:00June 2nd, 2020|

Zoom update required before May 30

On May 30, Zoom is switching to a new encryption scheme. Any older Zoom clients (Zoom applications) prior to version 5.0 will not be able to connect after that happens. For most users, Zoom may have already automatically updated your software. However, we recommend you verify that you are up to date. Run the "check for [...]

2020-05-22T08:58:16-08:00May 22nd, 2020|

Problems using Chrome to login to Windows systems

We have noticed a few users having problems when trying to connect to systems through our Remote Lab page when they are using Google Chrome as their web browser. The symptom is that, after typing in your login/password, Chrome gives you a blank page after clicking on the Connect button to log into the selected [...]

2020-05-08T12:44:00-08:00May 8th, 2020|

Experimental URL Shortener for MCECS

Due to requests for a “pdx.edu” domain branded URL shortener and custom URL generator, we have set up a self-service system for creating custom URLs at: https://go.cecs.pdx.edu Creating URLs currently requires MCECS authentication (currently restricted to MCECS faculty/staff). Once created, the URL will be of the form: https://go.cecs.pdx.edu/custom-url This is a very rudimentary homebrew system [...]

2020-04-29T09:38:03-08:00April 29th, 2020|

MCECS Chromebook Loaner Program [Discontinued]

The MCECS Chromebook loaner program has been discontinued as of Summer 2021 due to a lack of demand. You can request to borrow a laptop or a Chromebook from the PSU Library here: https://library.pdx.edu/study-spaces-computers/equipment/ You can also access our Remote Labs portal and other remote learning resources by going here: https://cat.pdx.edu/users/getting-help/resources-for-remote-learning/

2021-08-30T11:20:49-08:00April 2nd, 2020|

Running Graphical Linux Applications (X applications) Remotely

Graphical Linux applications are called X applications as they use the X Windows protocol to communicate with the display. Unlike the simple terminal (shell) interface for logging into Linux (using an SSH client), running graphical Linux programs remotely requires some setup and consideration. Running a single X application If all you need to run and [...]

2024-03-11T15:01:34-08:00March 30th, 2020|

Spring 2020 – Changes to MCECS IT Services

As the University switches to remote teaching for the duration of Spring 2020, we have made a number of changes to enhance your access to remote computing. Due to the fast moving situation, many of these changes were rushed into production. Based on how our services handle the load, we may be making adjustments as [...]

2020-09-04T12:59:04-08:00March 30th, 2020|

MCECS Windows Terminal Server (ts.cecs.pdx.edu) has been upgraded

We have upgraded the operating system of ts.cecs.pdx.edu to a more modern version of Windows Server. As before, the resources on the terminal server are still rather limited (moving from old repurposed hardware to two virtual machines). It was designed as an alternative for students who may not have been able to come onsite to [...]

2020-04-08T20:00:11-08:00March 29th, 2020|
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