Card Access Changes – New FAB doors and Garage elevator access
Over the holiday break, PSU facilities installed card readers on two sets of new double doors on the plaza level [...]
News for New and Returning MCECS student users in Fall 2024
The CAT has been busy throughout the Summer, making some substantial changes to our computer infrastructure. These changes may affect [...]
Back-to-School Phishing campaigns are starting early this Fall
It’s only mid-September, classes haven’t even started yet but we’re starting to see phishing scam emails starting to land in [...]
Back to Campus Toolkit
Card Access and Lockers in MCECS
PSU students can use their ID card to enter the Engineering Building (EB) and the Fourth Avenue Building (FAB) and [...]
The process of printing in MCECS differs depending on whether you are a student or faculty/staff. This guide will explain [...]
For New (Attend Anywhere) Students
Welcome to the Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science (MCECS)! The following guide will tell you everything you need [...]
Highlighted Guides
The Intranet is a portal created by the CAT that houses various resources available to students and faculty and helps [...]
Virtual Network Computing, or VNC, allows you to create a remote graphical session on another computer . You will be [...]
List of Common MCECS Linux Systems
The following is a table of commonly used Linux systems that can be remotely accessed by MCECS users. Be aware [...]
Resources for Remote Learning
As a PSU student taking online courses in MCECS, you will be expected to use your Odin and MCECS [...]
Remote Computer Labs
To facilitate online and attend anywhere classes, a selection of Windows computer lab systems are available for remote access. Using [...]
Using VPN Services in MCECS
Unless you are on a supported (Tier 1 or 2) desktop, access to many MCECS network services (Windows file [...]
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