
The CAT provides support for over 400 Windows desktops throughout Maseeh College. While we deliver support to many faculty, staff and research desktops, our primary support focus is on the desktops in central Computing Labs.

OS Description
Desktop Windows 10 / Windows 7 / Windows 7 64bit All of our computer labs run Windows 10. Specialized labs and many office desktops run Windows 7.
Desktop Windows Vista / Windows XP We do not provide any supported configurations for these Microsoft operating systems.
Terminal Server Windows Server 2008 R2 Remotely Accessible. Runs limited subset of general lab applications.

Support Tiers

The “support tiers” concept refers to support we provide for desktop workstations on the Windows and Linux platforms. Specific arrangements (particularly of Tier 2 systems) depend on the type of operating system and the intended use.

For more information read our support tiers overview.