Monthly Archives: December 2018


Linux Labs now using Kerberos Authentication

On December 27th, 2018, we switched CAT managed Linux workstations in our major computer labs to use an authentication/encryption system called Kerberos when accessing your files. This change is designed to significantly enhance the security of our file servers as they interact with these workstations. While most general users of these systems should not notice [...]

2018-12-28T02:46:28-08:00December 28th, 2018|

Select Departmental Office printers now available via Web Print

Primary departmental office printers are now available through Web Print. Web Print is a web-based interface for submitting files for printing. It can be a useful service for people with Tier 3 computers who are having trouble getting printing setup to MCECS printers (or don’t want to bother). You can learn more about how to [...]

2018-12-19T01:06:53-08:00December 18th, 2018|
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