The following is a table of commonly used Linux systems that can be remotely accessed by MCECS users. Be aware of the following attributes:

  • Certain systems are restricted by departments. You can tell which department can access a system by the second component of the hostname.
    • – All MCECS users
    • – CS users only
    • – ECE users only
  • These systems will be running 1 of 2 possible Linux distributions (as of Fall 2020):
    • Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa
    • Redhat7/CentOS7
  • Some systems require you to be on the VPN in order to access.
  • Some hostnames are actually proxies for either one or several Linux systems.

When a hostname is an HA Proxy, that means it is an alias for multiple machines. This is done for load balancing purposes.

The proxy will attempt to land you on the machine you connected with previously, but this is not guaranteed. For processes that require connecting multiple times with the same machine, such as VNC, it is recommended that you DO NOT use an HA Proxy hostname.

In the second table below, you can find a list of commands to see the systems associated with an HA Proxy hostname.

HostnameWhich Departments Can UseVPN RequiredLinux DistroNote
linux.cecs.pdx.eduAll MCECSNoUbuntu 20.04 Focal FossaHA Proxy for and
rita.cecs.pdx.eduAll MCECSNoUbuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa
ruby.cecs.pdx.eduAll MCECSNoUbuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa
intellab-linux.cecs.pdx.eduAll MCECSNoUbuntu 20.04 Focal FossaHA Proxy for Linux machines in FAB 55-17
linux.cs.pdx.eduCS onlyNoUbuntu 20.04 Focal FossaProxy for
ada.cs.pdx.eduCS onlyNoUbuntu 20.04 Focal FossaCS dept workhorse for general use
babbage.cs.pdx.eduCS onlyNoUbuntu 20.04 Focal FossaCS dept system for resource hungry assignments
linuxlab.cs.pdx.eduCS onlyNoUbuntu 20.04 Focal FossaHA Proxy for Penguin Lab and Particle Lab machines
particlelab.cs.pdx.eduCS onlyNoUbuntu 20.04 Focal FossaHA Proxy for Particle Lab machines in FAB 88-09
penguinlab.cs.pdx.eduCS onlyNoUbuntu 20.04 Focal FossaHA Proxy for Penguin Lab machines in FAB 88-10
centos7.ece.pdx.eduECE onlyYesCentOS 7HA Proxy for and

mo.ece.pdx.eduECE onlyYesCentOS 7
auto.ece.pdx.eduECE onlyYesCentOS 7

To find a list of machines associated with an HA Proxy, run the following command while logged in to a MCECS Linux system.

HA Proxy hostnameCommand for list of machines
intellab-linux.cecs.pdx.edunetgrouplist intel-lab-sys
linuxlab.cs.pdx.edunetgrouplist cs-lab-sys
particlelab.cs.pdx.edunetgrouplist particle-lab-sys
penguinlab.cs.pdx.edunetgrouplist penguin-lab-sys
centos7.ece.pdx.edunetgrouplist ece-general-centos7-sys

Remote Connection to MCECS Linux systems