Remote Access to MCECS Systems
Many systems and services in MCECS are remotely accessible from another computer. You can connect to some of them directly while others require the use of a VPN before you access them.
VPN | MCECS OpenVPN | MCECS provided OpenVPN implementation. Requires an active MCECS account. | MCECS VPN Services |
OIT Cisco AnyConnect VPN Service | Available to any PSU student/faculty/staff user with an active Odin Account. | OIT VPN Services. | |
Remote Login Access Methods | Remote Desktop (RDP) | Used to open a login session on a remote Windows computer. You will need to have been granted RDP access to the Windows computer you are trying to connect to. MCECS computer labs are currently remotely accessible through our Remote Lab portal via RDP. You will need an RDP program (RDP client) setup on your own computer to connect to another Windows computer. You must be on the VPN to use an RDP client to access a Windows system in MCECS. | Remote Lab RDP in MCECS Windows Linux Mac |
SSH (Shell Access) | Used to open a login session (shell) on a remote Linux computer. Most CAT supported Linux computers are remotely accessible. Some are directly accessible from off campus. Others will require that you are on the VPN first. You will need an SSH program (SSH client) setup on your own computer to make an SSH session to another computer. Many Linux systems are directly accessible from off site via SSH. Others (Redhat hosts and the CS Particle Lab) will require VPN access. | SSH in MCECS Windows Linux Mac |
Remote X Windows | Used to run X Windows applications on a remote Linux computer. You will need an X server and other support software installed on your own computer. (This will come standard if you are running Linux.) | Windows Linux |
VNC | Used to run X windows applications on a remote Linux computer. You will need a VNC program (VNC client) setup on your own computer. You should be using the VPN or an SSH tunnel before connecting with VNC. | Windows Linux Mac |
File Access / Transfer | SFTP - file transfer | Used to transfer files to/from a remote computer. Most of our Linux computers support it. A single Windows host ( also supports SFTP to transfer data to/from your Windows home directory (your N: drive). You will need an SFTP program (SFTP client) setup on your own computer. | Windows Linux Mac |