

Mapping a Network Drive

Mapping A Windows Network Drive In Windows, mapping a network drive is a method of assigning a convenient drive letter (such as N:) to a network location (such as \\thoth\home01\username). TheCAT provides some pre-defined mapped drives on supported Windows machines for your convenience. You can also add your own drive-mappings to your MCECS [...]

2023-01-12T13:17:05-08:00August 30th, 2017|

Mapping a Drive to a Linux Account

Mapping a Drive to a Linux Account You must be logged onto Windows with the same username as your CS/ECE UNIX username. If your usernames are not sychronized, you will not be able to use samba to access your files. Note: If you are not on a desktop directly in our domain you [...]

2022-01-12T13:09:48-08:00August 30th, 2017|

Local vs. Network Drives

Local Vs. Network Drives What's "local", What's "network" By default, you will not be able to install software on the network or on the local hard drive. Drives A: through L: are designated as local drives. Drives M: through Z: are network drives. After successfully logging onto a Windows 10 computer, double click [...]

2022-09-27T10:20:24-08:00August 30th, 2017|

Sharing Files

Sharing Files in Windows Maseeh College asks users not to share accounts; it is a security risk, among other reasons. Since it is commonly required that students work together for labs or class assignments, this document explains how to share files with other users on the CECS Windows domain. By default, other CECS [...]

2017-09-24T13:58:20-08:00August 30th, 2017|

User Profiles

Profiles What is a "profile"? A Windows User Profile contains default desktop settings and any changes that the user chooses to make to those settings. Changes might include wallpaper, colors, desktop shortcuts, many application settings, and user-selected printers. At present, user profiles are stored separately from user files which makes users [...]

2020-02-18T18:25:45-08:00August 30th, 2017|

Windows Printing

Windows Printing If you are attempting to print from campus wifi or from off site, make sure that you are connected to one of our VPNs. You must add at least one printer before you can print. For Tier 3 machines, it is recommended that users try Mobility Print to [...]

2024-11-24T15:41:29-08:00August 30th, 2017|

Disk & Profile Quota

Each Maseeh College Windows account is allotted file-storage space. This space is called your "disk quota," and it resides on your N:\ drive. In this space is your "My Documents" folder, and your "Desktop" folder (shortcuts). In addition, there is a separate "Windows Profile" space. In this space your IE & Firefox bookmarks, favorites and [...]

2022-02-21T10:43:07-08:00August 30th, 2017|

Local Admin Accounts

Why You Should Avoid Using Your Local Admin Account The battle for identifying malicious software in a timely fashion is becoming a losing battle for the anti-virus/malware software vendors. New threats attack you through your web browser (in the form of compromised websites, even from reputable websites which may be inadvertently displaying an [...]

2017-09-15T19:56:26-08:00August 30th, 2017|


Windows Account Password Requirements Keeping your password secret is your assurance that your account and its contents remain secure. Your password for your Windows account is case-insensitive and must adhere to the following requirements: Must be at least eight (8) characters long. May not contain anything that could be directly or indirectly associated with the [...]

2021-11-12T14:16:08-08:00August 30th, 2017|
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