

VNC from Windows to Linux

Connecting using VNC from a Windows computer to a Linux system Virtual Network Computing, or VNC, allows you to remotely control a Linux computer with another computer through a graphical interface. You will be able to observe a Linux desktop environment and interact with it using the mouse and keyboard from a different [...]

2020-10-01T14:10:54-08:00June 4th, 2019|

Windows Terminal Server

MCECS Windows Terminal Server THE TERMINAL SERVER HAS BEEN RETIRED. Please try using our Remote Lab instead, as that will be taking over the terminal server. MCECS provides a modest Windows Terminal Server ( for remote access to many Windows applications. It is not, however, meant to be a replacement for using [...]

2024-09-23T10:03:12-08:00October 8th, 2018|

Problems with some Tier 3 installs of Microsoft Office

In the past year, we have found many instances of MCECS faculty/staff having problems trying to install the PSU licensed version of the Microsoft Office suite on their new Tier 3 (self managed) computers. The problem seems to stem from the vendor's default Windows load (OEM load) on the computer having a trial or starter [...]

2018-10-24T16:52:13-08:00October 8th, 2018|

Google Drive for Desktop

Google Drive for Desktop Available on Tier 1/2 CAT supported Windows desktops. The Google Drive for desktop client cooperates with our roaming network user profiles and enables users to access their Google Drive storage as a mapped drive. To run it, look for “Google Drive” in the start menu.  If you want to [...]

2024-06-17T11:53:28-08:00October 8th, 2018|

Windows – New things for Fall Term

Windows in Computer Labs (and MCECS podiums) Windows 10 version 1607 (also known as the Anniversary Update) has been installed in most of the main MCECS and departmental computer labs. The Windows computers in these labs (and on many podiums in MCECS) have been reloaded before the start of the term. Software: Faculty, please make [...]

2018-12-18T09:21:45-08:00October 2nd, 2017|

Windows and Projectors

Your Windows Computer and Projectors Computers Running Windows 7 Step 1 - Connect your laptop to the VGA (or confirm the computer is connected to VGA) Step 2 - Right click on your desktop and select "Personalize" Step 3 - Select "Adjust resolution" located in the upper left-hand corner of the [...]

2017-09-25T09:48:00-08:00September 25th, 2017|

Tier 2 Systems Disclaimer

Disclaimer for people requesting Tier 2 deployments Note that only Windows deployments qualify for Tier 2 By going Tier 2, you have been given the administrative access to modify your system.  You can install software and change system configurations. Perform your changes with care as modifications may affect the security and stability of [...]

2017-09-12T14:27:04-08:00September 12th, 2017|

CD/DVD Burning in Windows

CD/DVD Burning in Windows The following tutorials are split up into burning iso images, and burning files to disc. Other popular burning software includes Imgburn and Poweriso. However, with the decreasing number of CD and DVD drives, another option is to unzip the .iso file to a USB drive instead. More information about [...]

2020-03-24T11:10:00-08:00September 5th, 2017|

Zip Files in Windows

Zip Files In Windows A .zip file is a single compressed file that can hold many other files and folders inside. It is called a "compressed folder" in Windows. How do I create a new .zip file?  Open your N:\ drive, or the folder where you want to create the zip file. Click [...]

2020-11-16T14:56:42-08:00September 5th, 2017|

Scanning on Windows

Scanning Where to find a Windows flat bed scanner Computers with scanners are identified with a scanner sticker. Windows-based scanners are available: FAB general lab: fab99 EB general lab: cad41 If you are looking for bulk scanning, see: Scanning in CECS Windows Labs Place the document you want [...]

2024-09-20T17:39:23-08:00September 5th, 2017|
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