Using Virtualbox

Here in the College of Engineering, we offer VirtualBox on our Windows and Linux systems. The following is not a comprehensive guide, but settings that need to be changed in our environment. Guides and information about VirtualBox can be found in the VirtualBox Documentation.

Here are some recommended settings for VirtualBox on our systems. These tips are for both Windows and Linux.

Step 1

First, click on File, then Preferences.

Image showing the file menu in Virtual Box


Step 2

Now you are in the General section, change the Default Machine Folder. By default, Virtualbox will choose a machine folder in your storage quota (which is 5GB on Windows and 10GB on Linux).

Image showing the General Settings of Virtual Box


This should be changed to another local disk like D:\ in the following image.

Image of the VirtualBox Settings for File Locations


NOTE: when creating a virtual disk, make sure it is also in the D:\ drive, or the location you chose.

Image Showing the Network settings in VirtualBox


Step 3

In the Networking section, change “Attached to:” and select NAT from the drop down menu.

Image showing the Network settings in VirtualBox