Requests for software installation must be received at least 7 business days before the first anticipated need for the software. Be sure to allow yourself enough time to verify the installation is correct.

Faculty are the recognized experts as to what software their students need for coursework. We rely on faculty to notify us if class-related software needs to be installed for the upcoming term and if previously requested software should remain installed. Do not assume that software installed for previous terms is still available.

Once students start using the labs, it is much more difficult and time-consuming to install software. Software installation requests made after classes begin will take up to 7 business days to process.

Also, be aware that departmental-specific software is purchased through your department. We encourage you to contact us before a purchase is made if you are unsure whether a particular software package is compatible with our network or user environments. If you want or need help, theCAT can assist you in an advisory capacity, but, ultimately, the decision for a departmental-specific software purchase rests in the hands of the individual department.

Software installation verification – Software cannot officially be considered “installed” until after it has been verified operational by faculty. It is not possible for theCAT to verify that the software is fully functional. We strongly suggest that the faculty member making the request (or a designee) verifies proper operation by completing an assignment and printing it. If a software package is found to be non-operational, it may take up to 7 business days to reinstall.

OIT has software such as Windows/Office/Photoshop available for purchase by Faculty and Staff. Please see their software purchasing page for details.

The Oregon Educational Technology Consortium also has educational pricing on many software products at