Creating a Digital Signature in Acrobat
Please note, we are unable to support password retrieval or troubleshooting past the initial creation of your digital signature. Please make sure that you have saved alternate copies of your digital signature file in alternate locations, such as a thumb drive and/or home directory on the server.
Open the document you’d like to sign. Select the “Sign” button at the top, and select “Place signature”.
Click and hold down the left mouse button, stretching out the blue box where you would like to place your signature.
A menu will appear. Select “A new digital ID I want to create now.” Click next.
Select “A new PKCS#12 digital ID file”. Click next.
Fill in your personal information and select “use for: Digital Signature”. Click next.
Create a password. Click next. (You may wish to remember where you save the file, so that you can create a backup of it.)
Enter the password you created and click sign. Your signature will appear in box you originally created.
In the future, when you go to sign a document, you will be able to select your signature from the drop down from step 3.