

Windows 7 end-of-life planning for computers in MCECS

If you still have any computers running Windows 7, you probably already know that Microsoft will be ending support for this operating system on January 14th, 2020. We are working to remediate the risks to MCECS/PSU from these systems after the deadline (since they will no longer have security updates). Over the past few months, [...]

2019-12-13T01:14:33-08:00December 13th, 2019|

web.cecs.pdx.edu running Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic)

After September 19, 2019, web.cecs.pdx.edu, the user pages web server, will be running Ubuntu Linux 18.04 (Bionic). This affects web pages accessed through the URL scheme of: https://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~username The PHP version that comes with this release is the 7.2.x series.  

2019-09-18T00:27:55-08:00September 18th, 2019|

Laptop Purchasing, OIT managed loads, and a September 1 deadline

[Are you an MCECS computer or laptop user with an OIT managed load? Are you thinking of getting your laptop loaded by OIT to get a managed configuration? If so, read on....] Since the CAT doesn’t have the resources to provide managed and supported laptop configurations, an increasing number MCECS users have been opting to [...]

2020-04-15T16:40:34-08:00August 29th, 2019|

EB & FAB building hours are changing

MCECS, CPSO and PSU have worked together to enhance security and safety in EB and FAB without sacrificing accessibility. To this end the exterior door hours are changing. The changes below will go into effect on Monday September 16, 2019. New hours for exterior doors: Harrison Street Doors (east and west) 24/7 card access only [...]

2019-08-28T08:20:18-08:00August 28th, 2019|

Eve/Walle (Red Hat Linux 5) Final Shutdown – August 30, 2019

On Friday, August 30, we will be decommissioning the old Centos 5 systems used by many ECE students in the last 6+ years. These were equivalent to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. Centos/RHEL 5 has been out of active operating system support for many years. ECE Linux tools are migrating to hosts running a newer [...]

2019-08-28T01:08:04-08:00August 28th, 2019|

Getting rid of Oracle Java for Windows – Aug 1, 2019

On August 1st, we will be removing the default Oracle Java install on CAT supported Windows desktops. We are taking this action in order to maintain the security of CAT supported desktop Windows systems. Due to recent changes to licensing from Oracle, we are no longer able to freely install newer, patched versions of the [...]

2019-07-19T09:29:01-08:00July 19th, 2019|

SERVER CHANGE – 7/12/2019 – Windows Application Server

During the Windows Server downtime on Friday night (7/12/2019), the server that provides some minor Windows applications to desktops will be migrated to new hardware. Users on CAT supported Tier 1/2 systems should not notice any changes. If you have made any manual mappings to a server called \\FROST, you will need to update them [...]

2019-07-10T17:37:50-08:00July 10th, 2019|

Changes to lab printing charges for MCECS users

Starting in Summer Term 2019, the subsidized print quota and rates for buying additional capacity are changing for printers in MCECS student labs. This is driven by a need to reduce paper/media consumption and better reflect our actual costs for providing the service. The new rates are: BW single sided - $0.08 BW double sided [...]

2020-04-15T16:42:27-08:00June 24th, 2019|

Urgent Firefox Security Patch Released – Please Restart Firefox

A “highly critical” ranked security patch has been released for Mozilla Firefox. We are releasing this patch to CAT supported Tier 1/2 systems. Since this patch does not reboot your system, please make sure that you have restarted Firefox as soon as possible so that the patch is installed. We recommend that Tier 3 users [...]

2019-06-20T16:56:16-08:00June 20th, 2019|
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