Remote Access

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Using SFTP for Remote File Transfer from Windows

Using SFTP for Remote File Transfer from Windows SFTP using WinSCP SFTP using Cyberduck SFTP using MobaXterm   Using WinSCP You can download WinSCP from the following link: When installing the program, it will ask you if you want to use the Commander or Explorer interface mode. Either option is [...]

2024-05-24T10:13:55-08:00February 21st, 2020|

Remote Desktop using SSH Tunnel with MobaXterm

RDP through an SSH tunnel Note: If you are trying to use Remote Desktop to log into a remote Windows box, but are unable to successfully connect to the MCECS VPN, you can use SSH tunneling to accomplish the same goal. To set up an SSH tunnel to allow you to RDP [...]

2024-03-11T14:44:59-08:00June 4th, 2019|

VNC from Windows to Linux

Connecting using VNC from a Windows computer to a Linux system Virtual Network Computing, or VNC, allows you to remotely control a Linux computer with another computer through a graphical interface. You will be able to observe a Linux desktop environment and interact with it using the mouse and keyboard from a different [...]

2020-10-01T14:10:54-08:00June 4th, 2019|

Windows Terminal Server

MCECS Windows Terminal Server THE TERMINAL SERVER HAS BEEN RETIRED. Please try using our Remote Lab instead, as that will be taking over the terminal server. MCECS provides a modest Windows Terminal Server ( for remote access to many Windows applications. It is not, however, meant to be a replacement for using [...]

2024-09-23T10:03:12-08:00October 8th, 2018|

Google Drive for Desktop

Google Drive for Desktop Available on Tier 1/2 CAT supported Windows desktops. The Google Drive for desktop client cooperates with our roaming network user profiles and enables users to access their Google Drive storage as a mapped drive. To run it, look for “Google Drive” in the start menu.  If you want to [...]

2024-06-17T11:53:28-08:00October 8th, 2018|

X forwarding with Xming

X forwarding with Xming This tutorial will cover how to forward X11 applications from a remote Unix/Linux host to a local Windows machine. On a Unix/Linux machine, you can run remote applications via XForwarding with something like: ssh -X "gimp". In order to get this same functionality on a Windows machine, we [...]

2020-02-18T18:24:00-08:00August 30th, 2017|

S: Drive

Understanding the S: Drive Observant users of CAT supported Tier 1 or 2 Windows systems may notice that two of their drive mappings is mapped to their Linux storage space. What is the "Linux storage space"? The Linux Storage Space is the contents of your Linux home directory. While some of you [...]

2022-02-21T10:58:28-08:00August 30th, 2017|

Connecting to a Stash from Windows

Connecting to Your Stash via Windows Step 1: Connect to the MCECS VPN This step is only necessary for Tier 3 devices (personal laptops, desktops outside our network). If you are already on our network, you can skip to step 2. for documentation to do this, please see this guide: CAT VPN [...]

2018-08-29T16:27:14-08:00August 30th, 2017|

Access OIT Windows Accounts

Accessing OIT Windows Accounts Accessing a Directory With a Web Browser OIT provides access to personal, departmental, and student directories through the internet. For more information, see the following article on OIT's website:   Mapping a Network Drive Mapping a network drive allows you to interact with your files more directly. For OIT Student Home [...]

2022-11-16T14:58:51-08:00August 30th, 2017|
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