SSH from a Linux System to another Linux System.

Users with MCECS Linux accounts may remotely access the general access Linux systems in the MCECS computer labs much like they would while on-campus, by using SSH. SSH clients are available for all major operating systems, including Windows, Mac OS X and, naturally, any *nix distribution.

If you know the hostname of a particular computer you that wish to connect to, you may use that. Alternatively, you may connect to one of the following generic hosts.

Major Linux
General MCECS
CS Only
ECE Only

How to Connect

Once you know the hostname of the machine you want to connect to, follow the instructions below that correspond to the operating system that you are trying to connect from.

From Linux

  1. From any *nix machine, bring up a terminal and use the ssh (Secure Shell) command:ssh hostname

    If you need to login as a different user, specify your user name before the hostname like so:

  2. If this is the first time you have attempted to connect to this host, ssh will warn you that it cannot guarantee that the computer you’re connecting to is who it says it is. Enter ‘yes’ to save the key in ssh’s cache.
  3. Enter your password when prompted.

All MCECS *nix hosts require SSH protocol version 2.0. Our SSH servers also support RSA public/private key authentication . For more assistance connecting via SSH, email