Fall 2022 Remote Windows Lab Access
New to Fall 2022 is our MCECS Windows Remote Lab (currently numbering 27 systems and soon to grow to 37 systems). These systems are dedicated to remote use and do [...]
phpPgAdmin and phpMyAdmin moving to Adminer
If you are a user of the web interfaces to the database services provided by the CAT, be advised that we are moving from the old phpPgAdmin and phpMyadmin to [...]
Self-upgrade to version 21H2 of Windows 10
For MCECS faculty, staff, and grad students using a CAT supported Windows desktop in offices or research labs: The version of Windows 10 currently installed on CAT-supported desktops (version 20H2) [...]
EB 325 Remote Lab Closing Down
We will be disabling the EB 325 remote lab computers. This is to make way for some system upgrades that are taking place in EB 325. For the time being, [...]
4/18/2022 – Adding MCECS single sign-on to rdp.cecs.pdx.edu
Starting Monday, April 18th, we will be testing the placement of MCECS single sign-on authentication "in front of" the web-based Remote Desktop application that some users access at rdp.cecs.pdx.edu. This move [...]
MCECS Web Sign-On Update – 2/10/2022
On 8am on Thursday, February 10th, we will be upgrading the single sign-on software that provides authentication to various CAT supplied MCECS web services. The change should only affect: intranet.cecs.pdx.edu [...]