

Mailing Lists

As a legacy service, the CAT continues to provide Mailman mailing lists for MCECS faculty and staff. Lists can be requested through the Intranet. We are encouraging people to move to PSU Google Groups for similar functionality. Details on how to request a Mailman list. Mailman Subscribers Guide As part [...]

2020-04-20T22:55:41-08:00September 10th, 2017|

Additional Email Accounts

Additional Email Accounts Requesting Additional Accounts Every MCECS user has a single email address associated with it, which can be forwarded to the inbox of your choice. However, sometimes additional addresses are needed: for example, a shared address for a group or project, or a separate grader account. Here are some [...]

2020-04-20T23:10:24-08:00September 10th, 2017|

PSU Google Mail

PSU Google Mail (gmail) Email services for all PSU users (faculty, staff, and students) are provided as part of PSU's delivery of G Suite (aka Google Apps). All PSU persons get an email address of the form: where "username" is typically your Odin ID. You use your Odin account credentials to login to [...]

2020-04-20T23:15:16-08:00September 10th, 2017|

Forwarding MCECS Email

Forwarding MCECS Email The College of Engineering supplies students, faculty, and staff with an email address associated with their department. However, MCECS no longer provides support for local mail or an inbox. MCECS account holders will continue to have an e-mail address, and we have an easy-to-use tool which students, faculty, and staff [...]

2017-09-13T15:46:51-08:00September 10th, 2017|

Email Services in MCECS

Your PSU Google Mail Account As an MCECS student, faculty, or staff member, you are expected to use your PSU-provided email account that is tied to your central Odin Account. For details visit: Your CECS Mail Account When your MCECS account is set up for you, you will receive an email addresses of the [...]

2022-02-18T10:48:41-08:00June 9th, 2017|
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