

News for New and Returning MCECS student users in Fall 2024

The CAT has been busy throughout the Summer, making some substantial changes to our computer infrastructure. These changes may affect both onsite and remote users. Here are some highlights: All Windows systems in computer labs have been migrated to Windows 11. All Ubuntu Linux end-user systems have been upgraded to the 24.04 (“noble”) release. The [...]

2024-09-30T02:31:33-08:00September 30th, 2024|

Web Servers moving to Ubuntu Bionic – Test your User Websites

In early Summer 2019, we will be transitioning our web servers to the latest long term support release of Ubuntu Linux (18.04 aka Bionic Beaver).  If you have web code or applications (especially those using PHP) on “user” websites hosted under: http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~yourusername you may be affected by some of these changes. We have set up [...]

2019-06-03T08:56:07-08:00June 3rd, 2019|

Linux Labs now using Kerberos Authentication

On December 27th, 2018, we switched CAT managed Linux workstations in our major computer labs to use an authentication/encryption system called Kerberos when accessing your files. This change is designed to significantly enhance the security of our file servers as they interact with these workstations. While most general users of these systems should not notice [...]

2018-12-28T02:46:28-08:00December 28th, 2018|

FEEDBACK NEEDED – Fall 2018 Windows Software in MCECS Computer Labs

This is our projected Fall 2018 Windows Instructional Software list. Much of this software (with a few exceptions) will be available in the load we distribute to the larger MCECS Windows computer labs. If you are an MCECS faculty member who teaches classes using these labs and/or require students to use software in these labs, [...]

2018-08-17T01:45:11-08:00August 17th, 2018|

Changes coming to how User Web Pages are handled in MCECS

Do you setup and use User Web Pages on our systems? These are web pages that are accessed by URLs that look like: http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~username/path.... If you do, you may be affected by some structural changes we are going to be making to our web infrastructure over Winter Break. Affected pages may: Use password protection (using [...]

2022-01-11T14:42:01-08:00November 30th, 2017|
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