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Card Access Changes – New FAB doors and Garage elevator access

Over the holiday break, PSU facilities installed card readers on two sets of new double doors on the plaza level of the Fourth Avenue Building (FAB) and elevators from the 4th avenue parking garage. The goal was to restrict access to PSU spaces in the Lower Level (LL) of FAB. These new readers will be [...]

2025-01-15T01:19:56-08:00January 15th, 2025|

Change to the default VNC/xRDP desktop

[This only affects people using VNC or xRDP to access our Ubuntu Linux systems.] We have switched back to the MATE desktop as the default when you remotely access our Ubuntu Linux systems via VNC or xRDP. The desktop is the graphical user interface you interact with when you initiate a graphical session on a [...]

2024-12-18T16:52:25-08:00December 18th, 2024|

Back-to-School Phishing campaigns are starting early this Fall

It’s only mid-September, classes haven’t even started yet but we’re starting to see phishing scam emails starting to land in email boxes. Fall term is when scammers try to get you to give up your login credentials. They assume you may be new to the College or have let your guard down after a nice [...]

2024-09-19T09:55:26-08:00September 19th, 2024|

Finally moving our Linux Lab proxies behind the firewall – 9/11/2024

At about the same time last year, we announced that we were locking off our LInux lab "proxy" addresses behind the firewall. Due to a number of factors, this task was postponed and we are finally going to make the change on Wednesday, Sep 11. Read the included message for details. Note, existing CS login servers (ada/babbage/quizors) are [...]

2024-09-09T00:36:25-08:00September 9th, 2024|

End of “Unlimited Storage” for PSU Google Drive/Apps

Over the past few years, Google has been trying to reign in runaway storage consumption for its Google Apps for Education tier. For faculty and research groups who found PSU’s google storage to be a convenient and limitless resource, that era is now over. OIT now has to ensure that the university stays below a [...]

2024-08-12T01:44:55-08:00August 12th, 2024|

Remote access to “high ports” on Linux now requires VPN

Starting Spring 2023, access to services running on "high ports" (ie: network ports numbered 1024 and higher) on remotely accessible MCECS Linux systems will be blocked to external users. You will still be able to ssh into those systems. However, if you are running any services (programs) on these systems that listen at high ports, [...]

2023-04-03T17:08:24-08:00April 3rd, 2023|

Phishing campaigns hitting PSU

It looks like the Fall term phishing campaigns against PSU users (particularly faculty and staff) have really picked up in recent weeks. The scammers have been seen trying waves of the following: Payroll problems based message that leads you to a fake PSU credentials site that tries to capture Duo authentication Google drive or One [...]

2022-11-16T12:05:58-08:00November 16th, 2022|

Run cpu/memory/disk intensive assignments on babbage

CS Users! Please run resource heavy programs on babbage.cs.pdx.edu  - not ada (linux.cs.pdx.edu). Some clarification of the lore about ada and babbage, the two primary multi-user Linux systems available to CS students.  ada.cs.pdx.edu (aka linux.cs.pdx.edu) Used as a general workhorse.  Designed to handle users going through the edit - compile - execute cycles of general [...]

2022-10-10T22:54:16-08:00October 10th, 2022|

phpPgAdmin and phpMyAdmin moving to Adminer

If you are a user of the web interfaces to the database services provided by the CAT, be advised that we are moving from the old phpPgAdmin and phpMyadmin to a new interface called Adminer (formerly known as phpMinAdmin). The functionality of the old interfaces will still be provided, although the graphical layout will be [...]

2022-08-25T16:18:29-08:00August 25th, 2022|

Linux Home Directory permissions change – 10am on 10/12/2021

We will be making a slight home directory permissions change for all users on our systems. The end result will lock down access to user home directories so that only the owner of the account can access the files. We expect this to only affect a very small minority of users who have specifically opened [...]

2021-10-11T19:16:40-08:00October 11th, 2021|
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