Phishing Emails

If you believe you have received a phishing email, OIT recommends the following:

Report the Email

Forward the email to Your report will be investigated, and will help prevent many others on campus from falling victim to the attack.

Mark the Email as Phishing or Spam

If you are sure the email you have received is a phishing attack, log in to and open the email in question. In the menu next to the reply button, click on “Report Phishing.”

You can also mark spam emails using the procedures in the article Mark or unmark Spam in Gmail.

If your contacts tell you that they’ve received phishing or spam emails from you, ask them to forward a copy of the message to Ask them to take the same steps listed above and contact OIT’s helpdesk if they have any questions.

More on Identifying and Avoiding Phishing Attacks

OIT’s Guidelines on Phishing Attacks

Google’s Guidelines on Phishing Attacks

How to report a phishing email