File Sharing Policy (P2P/DMCA)

PSU policy prohibits the use of any MCECS or campus resources to enable the download or sharing of copyrighted material to which you do not have rights to. This type of material should not be placed on our file servers, shared via our web servers or accessed by P2P (peer-to-peer) file sharing software. As a University, we are a target for strict enforcement by rights holders who file DMCA takedown requests.

Being caught in a DMCA takedown request can have severe consequences for both students and employees. Learn about the PSU administrative processes of handling infractions here:

Activities that can get you in trouble

  • Running P2P software from home and simultaneously connecting to our VPN in full tunnel mode. Your traffic will appear to be coming from PSU.

  • Running P2P software from computer labs or office/research-lab computers

  • Installing questionable P2P software (and software and other media downloaded from it) which can sometimes be riddled with malware.