Windows 11 will be pushed out to compatible desktops this week
If you have a CAT supported Windows system, and you haven’t self-upgraded to Windows 11 yet, we will be pushing Windows 11 out to your system starting this week. This [...]
Finally moving our Linux Lab proxies behind the firewall – 9/11/2024
At about the same time last year, we announced that we were locking off our LInux lab "proxy" addresses behind the firewall. Due to a number of factors, this task was [...]
End of “Unlimited Storage” for PSU Google Drive/Apps
Over the past few years, Google has been trying to reign in runaway storage consumption for its Google Apps for Education tier. For faculty and research groups who found PSU’s [...]
Remote access to “high ports” on Linux now requires VPN
Starting Spring 2023, access to services running on "high ports" (ie: network ports numbered 1024 and higher) on remotely accessible MCECS Linux systems will be blocked to external users. You [...]
Phishing campaigns hitting PSU
It looks like the Fall term phishing campaigns against PSU users (particularly faculty and staff) have really picked up in recent weeks. The scammers have been seen trying waves of [...]
Run cpu/memory/disk intensive assignments on babbage
CS Users! Please run resource heavy programs on - not ada ( Some clarification of the lore about ada and babbage, the two primary multi-user Linux systems available to [...]