

Card Access Changes – New FAB doors and Garage elevator access

Over the holiday break, PSU facilities installed card readers on two sets of new double doors on the plaza level of the Fourth Avenue Building (FAB) and elevators from the 4th avenue parking garage. The goal was to restrict access to PSU spaces in the Lower Level (LL) of FAB. These new readers will be [...]

2025-01-15T01:19:56-08:00January 15th, 2025|

ArcGIS ArcMAP/Desktop has been deprecated at PSU – use ArcGIS Pro instead

This probably comes as no surprise to most ArcGIS users in MCECS. The old ArcGIS Desktop (often run as ArcMAP) that has run on various systems in MCECS has long been announced as end-of-life soon. We’ve noticed that the old license server (run by OIT in conjunction with the Geography dept) has been down intermittently [...]

2024-12-19T17:33:19-08:00December 19th, 2024|

Change to the default VNC/xRDP desktop

[This only affects people using VNC or xRDP to access our Ubuntu Linux systems.] We have switched back to the MATE desktop as the default when you remotely access our Ubuntu Linux systems via VNC or xRDP. The desktop is the graphical user interface you interact with when you initiate a graphical session on a [...]

2024-12-18T16:52:25-08:00December 18th, 2024|

News for New and Returning MCECS student users in Fall 2024

The CAT has been busy throughout the Summer, making some substantial changes to our computer infrastructure. These changes may affect both onsite and remote users. Here are some highlights: All Windows systems in computer labs have been migrated to Windows 11. All Ubuntu Linux end-user systems have been upgraded to the 24.04 (“noble”) release. The [...]

2024-09-30T02:31:33-08:00September 30th, 2024|

Back-to-School Phishing campaigns are starting early this Fall

It’s only mid-September, classes haven’t even started yet but we’re starting to see phishing scam emails starting to land in email boxes. Fall term is when scammers try to get you to give up your login credentials. They assume you may be new to the College or have let your guard down after a nice [...]

2024-09-19T09:55:26-08:00September 19th, 2024|

The Windows Terminal Server has been Retired

Our old Windows Terminal Service has now been shut down. With the advent of our Windows Remote Lab, MCECS users now have access to remote desktops that provide all the software delivered to our primary on-campus Windows Labs. Use of the old terminal server has plummeted and we seldom see more than a few concurrent [...]

2024-09-30T02:56:31-08:00September 11th, 2024|

Windows 11 will be pushed out to compatible desktops this week

If you have a CAT supported Windows system, and you haven’t self-upgraded to Windows 11 yet, we will be pushing Windows 11 out to your system starting this week. This includes office desktops, computers in grad student cubes, and computers in research labs. The upgrades will occur when there is no one logged into the [...]

2024-09-09T09:38:27-08:00September 9th, 2024|

Finally moving our Linux Lab proxies behind the firewall – 9/11/2024

At about the same time last year, we announced that we were locking off our LInux lab "proxy" addresses behind the firewall. Due to a number of factors, this task was postponed and we are finally going to make the change on Wednesday, Sep 11. Read the included message for details. Note, existing CS login servers (ada/babbage/quizors) are [...]

2024-09-09T00:36:25-08:00September 9th, 2024|

End of “Unlimited Storage” for PSU Google Drive/Apps

Over the past few years, Google has been trying to reign in runaway storage consumption for its Google Apps for Education tier. For faculty and research groups who found PSU’s google storage to be a convenient and limitless resource, that era is now over. OIT now has to ensure that the university stays below a [...]

2024-08-12T01:44:55-08:00August 12th, 2024|

End-Of-Life for the Old Windows Terminal Server – ts.cecs.pdx.edu

At the end of Summer Term 2024 (and before the start of Fall Term), we will be shutting down our old Windows Terminal Server. Running on scrounged hardware since 2003, the terminal server provided remote access to select Windows applications supported by the CAT. With the advent of our Windows Remote Lab, MCECS users now [...]

2024-07-30T10:09:40-08:00July 30th, 2024|
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