Managing your Mac in MCECS

The CAT does not have a support structure for Apple devices (Mac or mobile). Your options are:

OIT Managed (centrally by campus IT)

All new Mac desktops and laptops purchased through official channels come with Apple’s Device Enrollment Program (DEP) membership for PSU enabled. When you turn on your new Mac, it will be sent to OIT’s central Mac management server and configure itself to be a wholly OIT-managed system. The machine is tied to your Odin ID. Your OIT “H: drive” becomes your home directory when you login. The system will be patched and updated via central command and loads for software purchased centrally through PSU (Adobe tools, Office, Matlab, etc) are conveniently available on demand. You must have network connectivity for your home directory to be available.

Your autonomy to make custom installs and modifications is limited (you do not have admin access) and access to MCECS resources (such as printers) may take some additional work. OIT will handle questions and and trouble shooting of the system.

If you have an existing Mac that you wish to have managed centrally by OIT, you will need to take it down to OIT’s help desk to be processed.

Self Managed (Tier 3) – Make sure you have DEP disabled before starting

Tier 3 implies that you are responsible for setting up, configuring and maintaining the system (including keeping it secure). The CAT does not perform any management or tech support (other than assistance in connecting MCECS/campus services). The benefits are autonomy to configure and install it as you see fit. You will need to ensure that your local data is backed up.

If you choose this route, you will need to make sure that OIT has removed your new Mac (desktop or laptop) from their Device Enrollment Program. Otherwise, the minute you turn it on, it will want to have OIT configure it. If you are purchasing a Mac for Tier 3 operation, please contact the CAT before turning the system on so that we can negotiate with OIT to whitelist it from DEP.